No. 29 (2019): Childhoods at School

Enfances à l'école - Frédérique Giraud

Coordinated by Frédérique Giraud. Editorial coordination for Emulations by Romain Tiquet

Multiple and unequal childhoods are built at school from the earliest stages of schooling. This special issue of Émulations proposes to enter the school’s black box to shed light and understand the ways in which actors in the educational worlds shape plural pedagogical forms through their practices and representations of childhood. The challenge is to contribute to studying the ways in which educational institutions, differently according to their characteristics and the concrete practices of the actors, think of children and thus build plural and unequal childhoods. If the school produces a specific vision of childhood in this way, it is because it has the mission to educate children and still educates the vast majority of children of school age today. Pupils learn ways of seeing and acting according to the different social relationships they establish and the (re)actions of the different significant others who socialize them.

Published: 2019-04-02
