No. 28 (2018): Précarité, précaires, précariat. Allers-retours internationaux

précarité, précaires, précariat

Coordinated by Adrien Mazières-Vaysse, Giulia Mensitieri, Cyprien Tasset. Editorial coordination for Émulations by Olivia Legrip-Randriambelo

The notion of precarity has been particularly developed by French sociology. But it is involved, especially since the beginning of the 21st century, in international circulations from where it returns charged with a constellation of meaning transformed by its various appropriations. It can describe the contemporary failures of a disintegrating welfare state; question the transformations of subjectivities created by new work arrangements; question work in the sphere of production, but also of reproduction and today of subsistence. This issue aims to take advantage of these circulations and this multiplicity of meanings to better understand the place of the idea of precarity in contemporary critical social sciences. In addition to six original research articles, this issue includes two texts combining sociological interrogations and self-analysis, an interview with British researcher Angela McRobbie and a conclusion by Patrick Cingolani.

Published: 2019-02-20

