No. 11 (2012): Mémoire collective, subjectivités et engagement

					View No. 11 (2012): Mémoire collective, subjectivités et engagement

Coordinated by Deniz Günce Demirhisar, Ilan Lew and Marina Repezza.

What is the common point between a former professor of Sao Paulo University revisiting his stance during a dictatorship, a young Chilean bank employee whose trade-union activities are influenced by his conception of past militancy, a French couple spending weekends reenacting a Merovingian sheep pen and its essential know-how, and elders assembled onstage to retell poignant fragments of their lives? It is the link between one’s connection to the past with future horizons of actions.

This issue draws on enquiries leading to the observation of various socio-historical contexts and to their exploration by different ethnographical methods. The articles constituting this issue all have in common to resort to subjective analysis and to put individuals at the center of case studies to address collective memory and more specifically, collected memory.



Published: 2012-06-03