No. 6 (2009): Regards sur notre Europe. Partie 1 : politique et citoyenneté

Coordinated by Quentin Martens and Grégoire Lits.

The editors of this issue of Émulations took it to heart to situate their vision of the European continent while paying tribute to those of Robert Picht and Bronislaw Geremek, who recently passed. These two would have assuredly been pleased by this passing of the baton in the European studies. This transition to other visions is not a mimetic prolongation, but takes into account the posterity of a teaching as well as of an audacity and of an innovative stance. The transversal perspective regrouped here are those of a generation of Europeans who have mostly not lived neither tragical nor miraculous times. To them, Franco-German reconciliation and the unification of a continent once divided ceased to be the horizons of the European construction. Such utopias of the last half of the 20th century became true. Thus, the current generation is a more difficult one to rally around the theme of European integration. Peace that has been acquired after the Cold War is almost merely an unpleasant memory. How then can we instill a hugolian momentum to the European dream?

Published: 2009-06-16
