No. 17 (2016): Entre migrations et mobilités : itinéraires contemporains

entre migrations et mobilités

Coordinated byr Marie Peretti-Ndiaye, Hélène Quashie et Liza Terrazzoni. Edited by (for Émulations) Fanny Robles

Migratory profiles and experiences appear today as more and more diversified and incite researchers to study, beyond the socioeconomic or national affiliations, the changes in status that affect trajectories, as well as the reconfigurations – the weakening even – of the role of the States in migratory movements. In an ambivalent context marked by an intensity of movements under stricter policies or by a more fluid passage of borders certain aspects of migratory phenomena are  still neglected. Contributions in this issue titled “Entre migrations et mobilités : itinéraires contemporains”, mobilize the dominant paradigms in social sciences (integration, circulation, transnationalism) to discuss them and to test them with observed empirical evidence.

Published: 2016-12-22