Current Situation. Attack on the Humanities and Social Sciences in Brazil

Interview with Sidney Chalhoub, Marine Corde and Angela Facundo Navia


  • Sidney Chalhoub
  • Marie Corde
  • Angela Facundo Navia
  • Céline Mavrot
  • Romain Tiquet


Mots-clés :

Brésil, Bolsonaro, attaques, universités


In the wake of President Jair Bolsonaro's recent attacks on philosophy and sociology in the higher education system, Émulations is pleased to welcome three experts for a cross-interview on the situation of human and social sciences in Brazil in light of the current political situation. This interview was conducted by Céline Mavrot and Romain Tiquet.

Dans le cadre des attaques récentes du président Jair Bolsonaro à l’encontre de la philosophie et de la sociologie au sein du système d’éducation supérieure, Émulations reçoit trois spécialistes – Sidney Chalhoub, Marine Corde, Angela Facundo Navia – pour un entretien croisé sur la situation des sciences humaines et sociales au Brésil à la lumière de l’actualité politique du pays. Cet entretien a été réalisé par Céline Mavrot et Romain Tiquet.

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Sidney Chalhoub

Sidney Chalhoub is a professor of history and of African and African American studies at Harvard University. Before that, he taught for thirty years in Brazil (University of Campinas). His research draws on social history and focuses on racialism, power relationships within Brazilian society, slavery, and public health. Some of his recent work includes: “The Legacy of Slavery: Tales of Gender and Racial Violence in Machado de Assis”, in Lamonte Aidoo and Daniel F. Silva, eds., Emerging Dialogues on Machado de Assis (2016) and “The Politics of Ambiguity: Conditional Manumission, Labor Contracts and Slave Emancipation in Brazil (1850s to 1888)” (International Review of Social History, 60, 2015).

Marie Corde

Marine Corde is a post-doctoral researcher in anthropology. She holds a Ph.D. from the Museu Nacional/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and carried out research and teaching for five years in various Brazilian universities. Her research focus is on anti-discrimination campaigns in partnership with governmental and non-governmental organizations. Her recent research comprises: « Mémoires d’immigrés, mémoires de France ? Mémoires et reconnaissance » (Conserveries mémorielles, 13, 2013) and “A articulação entre objetividade e subjetividade nos textos antropológicos: contribuições da escrita literária para a construção de saberes antropológicos” (Revista de Ciências Sociais, 44-2, 2013).

Angela Facundo Navia

Angela Facundo Navia is a professor of anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande del Norte and the President of the northeast region of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology. Her research explores the racialized and gendered boundaries of nation, the states’ practices of governance regarding refugees and the processes of forced displacements. Some of her recent work includes: “Deslocamento forçado na Colômbia e Políticas de refúgio no Brasil: Gestão de populações em êxodo” (Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas Sobre as Américas, 2019), Êxodos, refúgios e exílios: Colombianos no Sul e Sudeste do Brasil (Ed. Papeis Selvagens, 2017).

Céline Mavrot

Céline Mavrot is a political scientist and a visiting scholar at the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA). She holds a PhD from the University of Bern and her doctoral research was on comparative state theory and the reconstruction of a constitutional order after the Second World War. Her current work focuses on the sociology of public problems and public health controversies.


Romain Tiquet

Romain Tiquet is an historian of West Africa, researcher at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS - France). His work focuses on the history of daily suppression of urban marginality in West Africa. He has published a book based on his PhD dissertation : Travail forcé et mobilisation de la main-d'oeuvre au Sénégal (années 1930-1960), Rennes, PUR, 2019.




Comment citer

Chalhoub, S., Corde, M., Facundo Navia, A., Mavrot, C. et Tiquet, R. (2020) « Current Situation. Attack on the Humanities and Social Sciences in Brazil: Interview with Sidney Chalhoub, Marine Corde and Angela Facundo Navia », Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, 997. doi: 10.14428/emulations.interviews.03.

