Producing inequalities in emergency room

Organizational constraints and discriminating practices among triage nurses


  • Déborah Ridel Université de Lille, CLERSE, France.



Emergency Room, differentiated treatment, streaming fast track, social categorization, work organization, triage nurse


Analyzing the work of the triage nurse, this article aims to show the diffe- rentiated treatments between patients at the front desk of an Emergency Room. This study shows that the triage nurses are confronted to a dilemma while accomplishing their work as a gate-keeper. Acting as street level bureaucrats, they have to juggle both their own representations and managerial and political injunctions. While the creation of a fast track inside the emergency room (ER) could appear as a solution to decrease the number of emergencies, the organizational constraints, during its implementation, lead to many undesirable effects, which consequently result in the creation of social inequalities in the management of the patients in ER.

Author Biography

Déborah Ridel, Université de Lille, CLERSE, France.

Doctorante en sociologie au Centre lillois d’études et de recherches sociologiques et économiques (CLERSE, UMR 8019, Univ. Lille/CNRS). Sa thèse porte sur la violence dans les services d’urgence hospitaliers.



How to Cite

Ridel, D. . (2020) “Producing inequalities in emergency room: Organizational constraints and discriminating practices among triage nurses”, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, (35-36), pp. 109–121. doi: 10.14428/emulations.03536.08.