The manufacture of the scientific association

Bureaucratic practices and subjective processes in the university environment


  • Georges Macaire Eyenga Université de Dschang, URPOSSOC, Cameroun.



association, bureaucratization, subjectivation, university, Cameroun


Since 1990 in Cameroon, the consecration of the freedom of association enables the emergence of diverse associations reflecting the existence of individual wills to act collectively in the face of a state concerned about its maintenance. Although the political-identity dimension of associations in this country has been largely investi- gated, their bureaucratization, and the processes of subjectivation they enable remain understudied. Based on an ethnography of the Association of political science majors of the University of Yaoundé II, this article analyses, on the one hand, the appropriation by students of bureaucratic skills to make their associative project work and, on the other hand, the way in which bureaucratic associations enable them to make biographical ruptures take control of their lives within the academic world. This article shows that bureaucratic associations are places where emancipatory utopias are constructed.

Author Biography

Georges Macaire Eyenga, Université de Dschang, URPOSSOC, Cameroun.

Boursier Erasmus Mundus du programme Dream EU- ACP de la Commission européenne. Sa thèse de doctorat en sociologie obtenue en 2019 à l’Université Paris Nanterre (France) porte sur les politiques pénales et l’enfermement carcéral au Cameroun. Ses travaux se penchent sur les mobilisations sociales et le développement de l’État pénal Afrique. Ses dernières publications scientifiques portent sur l’« ethnicité et les nouveaux mouvements sociaux au Cameroun » (Émulations, n° 19, 2016) et sur les « Politiques de réforme de la prison au Cameroun » (Politique africaine, n° 150, 2018). Il est actuellement enseignant-chercheur en science politique au département de science politique de l’Université de Dschang (Cameroun) et chercheur associé à la fondation Paul Ango-Ela (FPAE) à Yaoundé.



How to Cite

Eyenga, G. M. (2021) “The manufacture of the scientific association: Bureaucratic practices and subjective processes in the university environment”, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, (37), pp. 119–135. doi: 10.14428/emulations.037.07.