Anti-gender politics and moral panic in Brazil:

The extreme-right and the authoritarian turn in contemporary politics


  • Gustavo Gomes da Costa Université fédérale de Pernambouc, Brésil ; Université de Glasgow, Royaume-Uni et Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgique.



homosexuality, gender, moral panic, conservatism, extreme-right, Queermuseu


In 2018, the extreme right-wing deputy Jair Bolsonaro took by surprise the international public opinion by being elected president of the republic in Brazil. Using a racist, sexist, homophobic and antidemocratic rhetoric, Bolsonaro managed to articulate a broad conservative and extreme right front in his support. This article analyses one of the facets of this political articulation around the opposition to the expressions of sexuality dissonant of the heterosexual model. For this purpose, the concept of moral panic will be used to understand the mobilizations against the QueerMuseu exhibition opened to the public in August 2017. The article uses the Protest Event Analysis as a data collection methodology, in order to identify the social actors involved in the moral panic, their mobilization tactics, their justifying arguments, as well as the responses of civil society and the political class to the moral panic. The article aims to understand not only the relevance of gender and sexual diversity issues in the recent authoritarian advance in Brazil, but also to identify the potential and limits of the concept of moral panic as an analytical and empirical tool in sociology.

Author Biography

Gustavo Gomes da Costa, Université fédérale de Pernambouc, Brésil ; Université de Glasgow, Royaume-Uni et Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgique.

Gustavo Gomes da Costa est docteur en science politique de l’Université de Campinas (UNICAMP) au Brésil. Il est actuellement chargé de cours de l’Université fédérale de Pernambouc. Il est aussi collaborateur scientifique à l’Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) et chercheur affilié à l’Université de Glasgow (Écosse). Il est spécialisé dans les questions liées aux mouvements sociaux, aux ONG et à l’action collective et aux partis politiques en Amérique latine et en Afrique. Il travaille également sur les questions de genre, de sexualité, d’homophobie et des droits humains des LGBT, ainsi que dans le domaine des études postcoloniales.



How to Cite

Gomes da Costa, G. (2022) “Anti-gender politics and moral panic in Brazil: : The extreme-right and the authoritarian turn in contemporary politics”, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, (41), pp. 43–70. doi: 10.14428/emulations.041.03.