What losing a child does to the family

Grief and bereavement as a margin and frontier of parenting


  • Lucie Jégat Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, Centre Max Weber, Lyon




bereavement, family, parenthood, marginality


This article aims to study the consequences of the loss of a child on the family and its members, through the particular example of children who died during their adolescence. Based on interviews with parents and siblings having lost a child (or sibling) aged 12 to 25, this article suggests that bereavement produces a particular marginality, resulting from the confrontation between two contradictory statuses. We will use the notions of “boundaries” and “margins” in a contemporary and sociological perspective to show that bereaved parents find themselves in a marginal situation and seek to reaffirm their parental role, which is called into question by bereavement. However, their position can only be understood in relation to that of the deceased child and his or her place in the family. The modalities of family reconfiguration and the redefinition of its borders will therefore be analysed.

Author Biography

Lucie Jégat, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, Centre Max Weber, Lyon

Professeure agrégée de sciences économiques et sociales à l'université Paul Valéry (Montpellier 3) et doctorante en sociologie au Centre Max Weber (Lyon). Sa thèse intitulée Perdre un enfant. Une sociologie du deuil à travers les trajectoires individuelles et familiales est dirigée par Gaëlle Clavandier (CMW, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne) et porte sur les trajectoires de familles ayant connu le décès d’un·e enfant au moment de son adolescence.



How to Cite

Jégat, L. (2020) “What losing a child does to the family: Grief and bereavement as a margin and frontier of parenting”, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, (32), pp. 47–61. doi: 10.14428/emulations.032.05.