D’un service à un autre
Complexité des filières de soins dans la prise en charge des enfants atteints d’un cancer à Bamako
healthseeking behavior, pediatric oncology, collaboration, hospital, MaliAbstract
This paper explores health seeking behaviors of pediatric cancer patients in the health system of Mali. The management of pediatric cancer involves the pediatric oncologist, various specialists (pediatric surgeons, anatomopathologists, radiologists) and various hospitals. The paper aims to update the forms of collaboration between the above actors around care. Based on an ethnographic survey, this work lays the foundations for a broader reflection on the organization of paediatric oncology care in Mali. The study sheds light on the child’s cancer care journey by highlighting the determinants of collaboration. It has shown that the management of childhood cancers reveals the socio-economic, professional and geopolitical challenges.