« With all the worries I have, my head works at night »

Maternal sleeplessness and mothering nights in Marseille’s northern districts


  • Arianna Cecconi ENSAM (École nationale d’architecture de Marseille) et Centre Norbert Elias, EHESS Marseille, France.




sleep, maternity, suburb, night, migration


This paper seeks to explore urban sleep as a social subject influenced by representations, material and environmental variations, as well as social and gender inequalities. Sleeping is built upon and transmitted from "sleep techniques" (Mauss, 1936) and conceptions related to the world of night, which vary according to context and time. The main interlocutors of this research are mothers of young children living in the 15th arrondissement of Marseille. Their walks of life intersect migratory and motherhood experiences in a precarious urban context, often prone to isolation. They have to teach their children to sleep and may find themselves trapped between different representations and knowledge, which are sources of misunderstandings and uncer- tainties. For them, the night is neither the space-time of work, nor that of leisure, nor that of sleep.

Author Biography

Arianna Cecconi, ENSAM (École nationale d’architecture de Marseille) et Centre Norbert Elias, EHESS Marseille, France.

Maîtresse de conférences associée en sciences sociales à l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Marseille. Les rêves et le sommeil ont été ses principaux sujets d’étude tout au long d’une trajectoire de recherche ethnographique menée sur différents terrains (Italie, Andes péruviennes, Espagne et actuellement Marseille). Depuis 2014, elle est chercheuse dans le cadre du projet : « Recherche-action interdisciplinaire sur la transmission du sommeil de la mère à son enfant », financé par l’Agence régionale de santé.



How to Cite

Cecconi, A. (2020) “« With all the worries I have, my head works at night »: Maternal sleeplessness and mothering nights in Marseille’s northern districts”, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, (33), pp. 91–110. doi: 10.14428/emulations.033.06.