La société à l’épreuve des séries TV

Quels défis et ressources dans les fictions sérielles ?


  • Antoine Delporte Université catholique de Louvain
  • Francou Lionel Université catholique de Louvain



hardship, TV-Series, support, representations


Today, TV series take up a large amount of our time and imagination. Recent mutations of core and form allowed American shows - that were so denigrated before - to gain some legitimacy and to reach a wider public. This article proposes to use them as an investigation system in the framework of the Martuccelli’s hardship (“épreuve”) sociology. Confronted with the contemporary society, the individual draws in the serial fiction the norms and the references he uses as support. In this short article, we wish to share some food for thought in order to better understand the social reality. We will base these ideas on the identification, in serial fictions, of some staged structural hardships and their mobilization by the individuals.

Author Biographies

Antoine Delporte, Université catholique de Louvain

Etudiant de master 2 en sociologie. 

Francou Lionel, Université catholique de Louvain

Étudiants de Master 2



How to Cite

Delporte, A. and Lionel, F. (2014) “La société à l’épreuve des séries TV: Quels défis et ressources dans les fictions sérielles ?”, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, 999. doi: 10.14428/emulations.varia.021.

