Remue-méninges dans les sciences du genre
entretien avec Rebecca Jordan-Young
Professeure agrégée de philosophie, ancienne élève et doctorante de l’École normale supérieure de Lyon, rattachée au laboratoire Triangle (UMR 5206). Ses recherches portent principalement sur les théories féministes et l’éducation, mais elle travaille également sur les arts visuels. Depuis janvier 2014, elle est coresponsable du laboratoire junior GenERe (Genre : Épistémologie & Recherches).
Émulations is an international Open-Access peer-reviewed social sciences journal published by the University Press of Louvain (Belgium) that publishes four thematic issues every year. The journal has also three online-only sections: varia, book critique and interview.
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Last thematic issues
2022 - #42
Race, Racism, Racialization
2022 - #41
Moral Panics. 50 years after Stanley Cohen
2021 - #39-40
Teaching fieldwork. Transmit, experiment, experience
2021 - #38
Catholicism and medical practices. Socio-historical approaches (XXth-XXIst centuries)
2021 - #37
Associations and bureaucratisation: African perspectives
2020 - #35-36
Health, inequalities, discriminations
2020 - #34
Transnationalizing the return
2020 - #33
The urban night
2019 - #32
At the edges of kinship. Margins in contempory kinship studies
Published with financial support from the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS (Belgian National Science Foundation).
ISSN (electronic) : 1784-5734 - ISSN (paper) : 2030-5656.
100% Open Access Journal - Copyrights and credits - Order the paper version- We are member of – Edited with Open Journal Systems