De l’enseignant à l’ethnographe

retour réflexif sur une relation de familiarité double au terrain d’enquête


  • Godefroy Lansade Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, LIRDEF



School ethnography, Familiarity, Friendship, Reflexivity


The author, a teacher returning to a former field of professional practice as an ethnographer, reflexively and critically questions the particular experience of the “double familiarity” relationship which links him to his field of inquiry. It both links him because of his knowledge of the school institution and because of the friendly relations he maintains with some of his interlocutors. Since the anthropological field is often a subjective investment of the researcher who intervenes in the determination of facts, the author shows how his singular relation to the field informs, transforms or even threatens his observations or the conditions of data collection.


Author Biography

Godefroy Lansade, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, LIRDEF





How to Cite

Lansade, G. (2017) “De l’enseignant à l’ethnographe: retour réflexif sur une relation de familiarité double au terrain d’enquête”, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, (22), pp. 99–112. doi: 10.14428/emulations.022.007.