Boko Haram et la radicalisation des jeunes au Nord-Cameroun. Entre protestation sociale et nécessité de survie


  • Nicolas Owona Ndounda Université de Ngaoundéré and Centre national de l’éducation (CNE) du Ministère de la recherche scientifique et de l’innovation (Cameroun)



Boko Haram, North-Cameroon, Fulani, Kirdi, youth, poverty


Nowadays hired in a military war against the sect Boko Haram in its northern part, Cameroon also has to lead against her, an ideological war. The first step of that war is the understanding of the motives of the commitment of some young people, native of this region, in its rows. Our analysis bases itself on the hypothesis that the radicalization of these young people is a consequence of the social protest and the necessity of survival more than the religious commitment: survival in front of an enemy with non-conventional methods of recruitment; protest and survival also, in front of a disastrous socioeconomic situation. Therefore, our study aims to understand the process of radicalization of a party of the youth, by analyzing socio-historical causes.

Author Biography

Nicolas Owona Ndounda, Université de Ngaoundéré and Centre national de l’éducation (CNE) du Ministère de la recherche scientifique et de l’innovation (Cameroun)

PhD student in History.



How to Cite

Owona Ndounda, N. (2017) “Boko Haram et la radicalisation des jeunes au Nord-Cameroun. Entre protestation sociale et nécessité de survie”, Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, 999. doi: 10.14428/emulations.varia.013.

