A critical approach to internal communication evaluation


  • Thomas




internal communication, evaluation, efficiency, political issues, critical approach


This text deals with internal communication assessment. The starting point is the imperative of evaluation formulated by some professionals, and the description of its scope in books and articles about communication. Two limitations for evaluation will be evidenced: a managerial limitation focused on the casual link between communication actions and efficiency, and an ideological-political limitation, focused on the role of communication developed in professional literature. We conclude by stressing that a political analysis of internal communication evaluation could be enriched by taking into account other practices than those provided by professionals of communication : especially the assessment of the relational behaviors of employees, and the evaluation of the organization’s interactive dynamic through digital technologies.

Author Biography


Thomas Heller est enseignant-chercheur à l'Université de Lille, GERiiCO. Dans le champ de la communication des organisations, il travaille sur rôle de la communication dans le gouvernement des employés, sur les idéologies managériales contemporaines, et sur les représentations filmiques des organisations et de leurs enjeux.

