Designers for the territories: new communication of public relations and mediations?


  • Dominique Bessières Université Rennes 2 - PREFICS EA 7469
  • Victor Fauglas CY Cergy Paris Université, ETIS – CY école de Design
  • Stéphanie Hémon CY Cergy Paris Université, ETIS – CY Design Research Group
  • Xiaoyi Peng CY Cergy Paris Université, ETIS – CY école de Design


Design, communication, mediation, public action, co-conception, professionalization


Territorial design is emerging as a new professional field. The aim is to understand the roles of designers in public action in areas where legitimacy is at stake, and to specify the issues involved. To this end, an exploratory survey is based on interviews with some of the early players in the field. We have deduced the salient features that link these designers to the appropriation of the territory. The result is a common field of application within public action, namely a new form of communication, mediation and relationship with the public concerned. The designer is positioned as a versatile player, straddling the line between design, management, coordination and even professionalisation of the stakeholders in the area. In this way, the incremental integration of design within the area tends towards synergy, a form of research into the performance of public action. The roles played by designers are well suited to the complex territorial contexts that are the basis of the legitimacy that is being built up.

Author Biographies

Dominique Bessières, Université Rennes 2 - PREFICS EA 7469

Dominique Bessières est Maître de Conférences en Sciences de l’information et de la communication, Université Rennes 2, PREFICS. Ses recherches portent sur la communication des organisations publiques (théorisation, professionnalisation, managérialisation). Expert de la recherche (HCERES, projets de recherche, thèses, revues et colloques), il est membre des CA de la SFSIC et de Communication publique.

Victor Fauglas, CY Cergy Paris Université, ETIS – CY école de Design

Victor Fauglas is a Master's student in Global Design at CY design school, attached to CY Tech of CY Cergy Paris University. His research focuses on the integration of design within the territory and its institutions.

Stéphanie Hémon, CY Cergy Paris Université, ETIS – CY Design Research Group

Stéphanie Hémon is a designer and doctoral student in Design and Information and Communication Sciences, CY Cergy Paris University, ETIS. His research focuses on the relationship between design and territories and questions the roles of design and designers in the "making of the territory". She is a board member of the Design en Recherche association, the network of young design researchers.

Xiaoyi Peng, CY Cergy Paris Université, ETIS – CY école de Design

Xiaoyi Peng is a student in Master of Global Design at CY school of design, attached to CY Tech of CY Cergy Paris University. His research focuses on the integration of design within the territory and its institutions.

