Exploring the interplay between organizational and professional identity

Communication at the 7th international conference on organizational discourse


  • Branka Cattonar
  • Draelants
  • Xavier Dumay


According to organizational and social identity theories and researches, members’ individual identities and organizational identity are mutually and reciprocally linked. This communication investigates those links in the particular case of teachers and educational organizations and is thus centered on the relations between teachers’ professional identities and schools’ organizational identities.



Comment citer

Cattonar, B., dr, H., & Dumay, X. (2007). Exploring the interplay between organizational and professional identity: Communication at the 7th international conference on organizational discourse. Les Cahiers De Recherche Du Girsef, (54). Consulté à l’adresse https://ojs.uclouvain.be/index.php/cahiersgirsef/article/view/53503

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