La métaphysique et les sciences. Les nouveaux enjeux


  • Claudine Tiercelin Collège de France et Institut Jean Nicod



métaphysique scientifique, scientisme, a priorisme, réalisme scientifique


After a few historical reminders about the tense links that have always existed between metaphysics and the sciences, one suggests a few rules of mutual good conduct in order to avoid the ever present risks of scientism and apriorism, before stating the majors issues both metaphyscians and scientists have to face, if they wish to pay attention to some crucial problems surrounding language, knowledge or ethics, and to avoid idealism. Such issues are based on betting on two possibilities : of scientific realism as such, on the one hand, and the possibility, on the other hand, of some scientific metaphysics, capable of telling us, just as well as the sciences, what is true, indeed, of what we think about reality, but also and mostly, of reality as such.  


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How to Cite

Tiercelin, Claudine. 2016. “La métaphysique Et Les Sciences. Les Nouveaux Enjeux”. Lato Sensu: Revue De La Société De Philosophie Des Sciences 3 (1).



Proceedings of the 2014 congress (plenary talk)