L'irruption d’une communication publique défensive
L’impossible dépolitisation de la réponse de la télévision publique à la critique d'une émission d'histotainment
histotainment, public television, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, public communication, instrumentalization, pluralism, politicizationAbstract
The tweets of the different channels of the France Télévisions group and France 2 more particularly illustrate that public communication is a smooth discourse genre. They outperform the rules of this hybrid and smooth genre to ward off any risk of interpretation from a political or controversial angle. It shuts down any kind of debate on the public service missions devolved to the group’s TV channels, including on the missions to represent pluralism and the diversity of opinions. A press release from France 2 of May 27, 2015 was exceptionally published on Twitter, and responds to an open letter addressed to the future lady president of France Télévisions group. Signed by two political figures from the Left Party, this letter denounces France2’s failure to fulfil its duty to represent the pluralism of opinions and its far too tolerant editorial policy vis-à-vis an ideological biased histotainment TV show called Secrets d’Histoire. This show conveys at best a national narrative idealizing the Ancien Monarchist Regime and its figures and at worst a reactionary “national novel”. France Télévisions’ response is likened to a defensive form of public communication, which illustrates the possible persistence of a political core at the heart of all public communication, even the smoothest.
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