Compte-rendu : Histoire d’une science impossible — Cosmologie et épistémologie de 1917 à nos jours, Gauvain Leconte-Chevillard, éditions de la Sorbonne, 2023
DOI :éférences
Hermann Bondi (1982). ‘Sir Karl Popper—On his eightieth birthday’, Foundations of Physics
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Albert Einstein (1917). ‚Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie‘,
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George F. R. Ellis, Ulrich Kirchner and William R. Stoeger (2004). ‘Multiverses and physical
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Robert P. Kirshner (2004). ‘Hubble’s diagram and cosmic expansion’, Proceedings of the National
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Edward Milne (1932). ‘World Structure and the Expansion of the Universe’, Nature 130, pp.
Barbara Ryden (2016). Introduction to Cosmology, Cambridge University Press, second edition.
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