Researchers and communicators in public communication: dissimilar positions for a construction of shared disciplinary legitimacy?


  • Dominique Bessieres



public communication, researcher, communicator, intercomprehension


This article offers a reflection on the possible conditions of rapprochement between researchers and communicators. These actors do not obey the same expectations, however bridges can be builded, theoretically and practically between them. This is what we want to study through public communication and more particularly through the professional association of the same name. With the investment of a researcher in this association, the challenge is to determine how public communication can represent a shared legitimization space for these dissimilar actors.

Author Biography

Dominique Bessieres

Dominique Bessières est maître de conférences  en sciences de l'information et de la communication hors-slasse à l’Université de Rennes 2 et membre du PREFICS (équipe CERSIC).
Spécialiste de communication publique, ses recherches portent sur sa théorisation, sa professionnalisation, sa managérialisation, les conditions d’appropriation des TICE, la communication écrite normalisée de travail en contexte public. Expert pour l’évaluation de la recherche (laboratoire pour l’HCERES, projets de recherche, thèses (prix et projet), revues et colloques scientifiques, il est actuellement vice-président recherche à la SFSIC.

