7000 Mons, Belgique
Communication & Professionalization (ISSN: 2566-2171) is an open access scientific journal with double-blind peer-reviewed articles. It is published by the International Network on the Professionalization of Communicators (RESIPROC), which brings together Belgian, Canadian and French researchers and practitioners. It is supported by the Language and Communication Institute of the Catholic University of Louvain. The journal is included in the list of recognized scientific journals in the field of Information and Communication Sciences (ICS - CNU 71)
The authors publishing in Communication & professionnalisation make their articles available under the Creative Commons "Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International" (CC BY-NC-ND) license. This license allows anyone to duplicate and distribute the articles for non-commercial purposes, without modification, and as long as the author is appropriately credited.