About the Journal
History of the journal
The International Network on the Professionalization of Communicators (RESIPROC) brings together Belgian, Canadian and French researchers and practitioners. It was created in 2011 to understand the evolution of communication practices, to question the role of university training in communication, to strengthen the dialogue between professional and academic communities and, ultimately, to define what is meant by professionalization in communication.
In order to promote this research, the network launches Les Cahiers du RESIPROC, under the direction of François Lambotte (professor in communication at UCL- LASCO, Belgium).
In 2015, Les Cahiers changed its name to Communication et professionnalisation. This change has a double objective: on the one hand, to make the editorial project and its positioning in CIS more directly readable and explicit; on the other hand, to remove a possible ambiguity about the term "Cahiers", which does not sufficiently translate the functioning of a scientific publication. In 2017, the journal will be published twice a year.
A journal in continuous publication
Communication & Professionnalisation intends to implement its transition to open access electronic publishing by adopting a continuous publication mode: several thematic dossiers are opened simultaneously on the journal's website, and the articles submitted and accepted for publication in these dossiers are published one by one on the website, as they are finalized, without waiting for the entire dossier to be ready for publication. This is intended to speed up and reinvigorate the publishing process, so that authors can see their articles published more quickly. This new way of operating has the added advantage of encouraging a new form of scientific debate. Indeed, during the period when an issue is open, the thematic could evolve, the different authors could react to articles already published, comments could dynamize the edition.
Expected contributions
Communication & Professionalization publishes works on the different dynamics of professionalization of communicators. These dynamics can be approached from different perspectives (sociological, ethical, deontological, critical, economic, organizational), but also through different professional practices (internal communication, marketing communication, public relations, digital communication, media communication, political communication, communication management).
The journal welcomes contributions based on research, professional experience or student work. Even if the majority of articles in an issue are related to the main theme, the journal welcomes various contributions in the "varia" section. These contributions will first be submitted to the editorial committee, which will ensure that the contribution is relevant to the objectives of the RESIPROC network.
Double-blind evaluation procedure
Each contribution proposed to the journal is subject to a double-blind evaluation as follows.
- The submission is subject to a first reading by the editor(s) in charge of a thematic issue. If the submission is deemed eligible, the editor(s) assigns it to two reviewers who conduct a full evaluation of the submission.
- On the basis of their respective evaluations (within a maximum of three months), the editors communicate the result of the evaluation to the author(s) (contribution accepted without modification, accepted with minor modification, resubmission, or rejection).
- In the case of resubmission, the new version of the contribution is resubmitted for double-blind review.
- Once the contribution is accepted for publication, it is edited, proofread and returned to the author(s) for final validation before publication.
Submission standards