Journalistic Writing on Printed and Online Press: Towards a Change of Enunciative Contract?
In order to examine journalistic writing, using enunciative studies and argumentation’s tradition of discourses analysis, we present a comparative study of papers published just after the election of the 44th President of United States, Barack Obama, on November 4th of 2008, in printed and online newspapers. We aim to see if there is a real difference of enunciative contract between printed and online press, to contribute to a current question concerning the deep changes of journalistic writing induced by new technologies. Starting with a corpus of three French daily national newspapers (Le Monde, Libération and Le Figaro), both in printed and online versions, and three online pure players (, and, we try to show that a keen observation of the journalists’ enunciative positions, towards the opinions they put in their speech, enlightens the interpretation of those contracts.
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