La construction des identités communicationnelles comme volonté de faire monde commun. Exemple des interactions conflictuelles dans l’émission On n’est pas couché.


  • Gwenolé Fortin



This paper is based on a corpus of short videos taken from France  2's  "On n'est pas couché" and the objective is to describe the language interactions - argumentative  ones-  as a constitutive element of the social identity of the interlocutors. At the same time those interactions are formed by the subjects as they are interacting. It is based on the work drawn from interactional sociolinguistics and symbolic interactionism. The objective is to adopt an analytical approach considering the verbal "confrontation" as a surface fact (which appears in the transposition into words and the staging of interactions). By going beyond the classical paradigm of the work on argumentation (persuasive paradigm), the objective is to demonstrate how those conflictive interactions stem much more from a dynamics of identity negotiation and from a meaning co-construction process.





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