La place de la formation dans la structuration du milieu des communicant·e·s politiques au Brésil et en France


  • Camila Moreira Cesar Université Sorbonne Nouvelle



academic instruction, professionalization, political communication, france, brazil, journalism


This article focuses on the place of academic instruction in the structuring of the political communication advisors’ milieu in Brazil and France. The methodology adopted includes the conduct between 2015 et 2019 of 22 ethnographic interviews with political communication advisors who have worked for French and Brazilian presidents and ministers. The results demonstrate that this milieu of actors are mostly career journalists in Brazil, while more general academic paths are dominant in France. These differences in terms of academic background associated with those of their personal and professional experiences, particularly in journalism and politics spheres, respectively, contribute to the crystallization of conceptions around the activity of political communication advisor that are different, which can be identified in the discourses of respondents in both countries.

