Les cantiques daniéliques (Dn 3,26-90) vieux latins et leurs types de texte


  • Jean-Claude Haelewyck UCLouvain




Old Latin, Book of Daniel, Prayer of Azariah, Song of the Three Children, Bible


The book of Daniel has transmitted two long biblical canticles: the Prayer of Azariah (Dan 3,26-45) and the Song of the Three Children (Dan 3,57-88[90]); a third shorter canticle has been slipped in between the two others: the song of divine transcendence (Dan 3,52-56). The Old Latin text of the two long canticles is examined here in order to determine the text types. Thanks to direct and indirect witnesses, in particular for the Prayer of Azariah, it is possible to identify an old African text type K (transmitted by Cyprian), a later African text type C (7 250 330 Verecundus and Fulgentius), a European text type D (176 177, the wording of which is close to that of Lucifer of Cagliari), a text type A (readings proper to Augustin). The article shows that the creatures enumerated in the Song of the Three Children are given in very vari-able orders in the Old Latin tradition without it being possible to detect any kind of logic.



How to Cite

J.-C. Haelewyck, “Les cantiques daniéliques (Dn 3,26-90) vieux latins et leurs types de texte”, BABELAO, vol. 9, pp. 95–116, Jul. 2020.


