Divine Energies: The Consuming Fire and the Beatific Vision


  • A. G. Holdier Colorado Technical University




Heaven, Hell, Eschatology, Faith, Divine Energy


I argue that a comprehensive ontological assessment of the beatific vision suggests that an individual’s experience of God’s face is not merely dependent on a revelation of the divine energies, but that it requires a particular mode of reception on the part of the blessed individual grounded in the reality of their faith; lacking faith, what would otherwise be experienced as the blessed vision of God is instead received as a torturous punishment. Therefore, I contend that the beatific vision is one of two possible phenomena resultant from seeing God’s face; the other is more commonly labeled “hellfire.” Consequently, the often-assumed bifurcated landscape of the Afterlife (into a Heaven suffused with God’s presence and a Hell deprived of it) must be reassessed.




How to Cite

Holdier, A. G. (2018). Divine Energies: The Consuming Fire and the Beatific Vision. TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology, 2(2), 47–59. https://doi.org/10.14428/thl.v2i2.2233