About the Journal

Edited by: 

Editors (Philosophy of religion): Georg Gasser (Universität Augsburg), Jean-Baptiste Guillon (Universidad de Navarra), Dominique Lambert (Université de Namur), Michele Paolini Paoletti (Università degli Studi di Macerata)
Editors (Analytic theology): Benedikt Paul Göcke (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Alejandro Pérez (UCLouvain-CTM), Veronika Weidner (Philosophical-Theological College Brixen)

Jewish analytic theology : Samuel Lebens (University of Haifa)

Islamic analytic theology: Ferhat Yöney (Istanbul Medeniyet University)

Managing Editor: Alejandro Pérez

TheoLogica is a multidisciplinary research journal focused on philosophy of religion and theology (analytic theology, natural theology, philosophical theology), exploring philosophical and theological topics with the standards of conceptual clarity and rigorous argumentation, which are recognized (in particular but not exclusively) in the analytic tradition. The Journal adopts the Open Access Journal (free access and no author's fee) in order to promote research and development of philosophy of religion and theology. In order to foster international scientific discussion between different linguistic communities, we welcome articles and reviews written in Spanish, French, English, Italian and German.

TheoLogica is a publication of the Catholic University of Louvain

ISSN 2593-0265 (online)

Abstracted/Indexed in
TheoLogica is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:

Scopus, SJR, ERIH PLUS, American Theological Library Association, Elenco delle Riviste ScientificheIndex Theologicus PhilPapers, DOAJ, CiteFactor, Google Scholar

TheoLogica is classified as Q1 in Religious Studies and Q2 in Philosophy according to Scimago Journal



In XXth century philosophy, philosophy of religion has been an important field of debates since at least the end of the 1950s (see Flew and MacIntyre 1955): traditional topics of “natural theology”, such as the arguments for and against God’s existence, the possibility of talking about God, Providence and Free Will, etc. have been studied extensively with the best tools of contemporary philosophy. Sometimes, philosophers also addressed topics coming specifically from a revelation, such as Trinity, Atonement, or Incarnation, but it is not until the end of the years 2000s that these questions have been identified as pertaining to “Analytic Theology” (see Crisp and Rea 2009) or “Philosophical Theology” (see Rea 2009), i.e. as a specific (philosophical) way of doing theology and not anymore as a sub-domain of philosophy, as “philosophy of religion”, though of course philosophy of religion and philosophical theology have remained closely intertwined.

In 2016, Alejandro Pérez and Jean-Baptiste Guillon founded Revista TheoLogica with the intention of participating in, and promoting, the development of this burgeoning area of investigation. A core intuition of the founders was that philosophical theology, even though it is and remains inseparable from philosophy of religion, should also take its place, as a way of doing theology, within the discussions of academic theology more generally, and therefore be widely accessible to scholars working in properly theological faculties and publishing in properly theological journals. One direct consequence of this idea is the multilingualism of the journal: since the theological scholarship in many religious denominations takes place in other languages than English (especially in German, Italian, Spanish and French), the journal was founded from the start as a multilingual journal, publishing papers in any of these five languages.

A second consequence of the purpose of making analytic / philosophical theology visible to the widest audience is that the founding editors opted for an Open Access Journal format, which allows free access and eliminates author fees.

In terms of institutional affiliation, the journal was initially hosted by the Universidad Sergio Arboleda (Colombia), hence the spanish name that it had in its beginning. In 2018, Revista TheoLogica underwent a transformation and became TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy and Theological Philosophy, in partnership with the RSCS Research Institute of the Catholic University of Louvain. Since then, they have been actively building a diverse team of multilingual individuals, currently consisting of Benedikt Paul Göcke, Jean-Baptiste Guillon, Michele Paolini Paoletti, and Alejandro Pérez.

This project is guided by four key principles aimed at (1) fostering a strong connection between analytic philosophers and professional theologians, (2) promoting mutual enrichment between diverse linguistic communities through multilingualism, (3) providing easy accessibility for researchers from different countries via an entirely online and free platform, and (4) featuring thematic issues curated by guest editors that highlight emerging topics, as well as original papers published in the “Varia” section.


Dominique Lambert (2025-)

Ferhat Yöney (2024-)

Vernonika Weidner (2024-)

Samuel Lebens (2024-)

Georg Gasser (2024-)

Michele Paolini Paoletti, (2021-)

Benedikt Paul Göcke (2021-)

Ide Lévi (2018-2019)

Jean-Baptiste Guillon (2016-)        (Co-founder)

Alejandro Pérez (2016-)                 (Co-founder)