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The cases of a ballistic projectile entering the pterygopalatine fossa are rare (8 reported cases), and the procedure of removing a foreign body from this anatomical space requires an operator’s experience and appropriate attention. We report the second case of a bullet from a non-powder weapon in the pterygopalatine fossa described in the English literature and the first removed by open trans-sinusal surgery. A 53-year-old male patient was shot and referred from another hospital for removal of a bullet from the pterygopalatine fossa. The patient had a craniofacial CT scan and was in good general condition. The foreign body was trans-sinusally non-endoscopically removed. The experience, knowledge and manual dexterity of the operator allowed avoiding iatrogenic complications such as intraoperative bleeding and nerve injury. The basis for a successful operation was good diagnostic, including radiological diagnostic consisting of performing a cranio-facial CT scan.
Pallister-Killian Syndrome (PKS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the mosaic presence of a supernumerary isochromosome consisting of two short arms of chromosome 12, leading to a variety of complications, including those related to oral and dental health. This case report marks the first case report on the dental characteristics of a patient with PKS using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). A 17-year-old female with PKS was reported exhibiting bilateral maxillary sinus hypoplasia, along with taurodontism in teeth n°15 and n°16, and an unusual “crayon-like” morphology in teeth n°14, n°15 and n°25. Moreover, hypoplasia of the sphenoidal sinuses, accompanied by left sphenoidal sinusitis, was noted.
A multidisciplinary dental approach is advocated for managing individuals with PKS. Further research incorporating a larger sample is critical to comprehensively assessing the dental features of PKS using dental radiography. Additionally, the development of an open-source CBCT database cataloging dental characteristics for rare dental conditions, including PKS, may be a suitable tool to access to reference images and to share information on orphan diseases with dental implications.
Les salmonelles sont des bactéries d’origine alimentaire pouvant occasionner des gastro-entérites, des bactériémies et des infections locales par dissémination hématogène. Nous présentons le cas d’un jeune patient d’origine malienne ayant développé un abcès lingual à Salmonella typhi. Cette présentation, rare, n’a pas encore été décrite dans la littérature scientifique. Le diagnostic a été posé par analyse bactériologique suite à l’incision et au drainage de l’abcès. Une antibiothérapie à large spectre a été instaurée et adaptée en fonction des résultats de la culture. Cet article rapporte le premier cas documenté d’abcès lingual causé par Salmonella typhi.
An arrow maxillofacial penetrating injury is an unusual traumatic injury sometimes encountered in developing countries. This rare injury has the potential to be dangerous because the arrow is deeply lodged in maxillofacial region crossed by major vessels, and because damage to one of these vessels should always be suspected. Furthermore, removal of a foreign body may result in complications such as massive bleeding or iatrogenic injury to adjacent structure and complications should always be considered in maxillofacial region. We describe a case of a patient who presented with maxillofacial penetrating arrow injury and analyze the problems faced in its management with emphasis on diagnostic imaging, on surgical planning and on careful surgery management.
Cutaneous metastases occur in 0.5 to 9% of all cancers. Esophageal cancer is one of the most aggressive cancers worldwide. Most cutaneous metastases from esophageal cancer were related to squamous cell carcinomas. Few cases have been described about cutaneous metastases related to esophageal adenocarcinomas. These metastases mostly affect patients over 60 years-old, and present as cutaneous asymptomatic nodules.
A 69-year-old male presented with a painless and extensive left neck cutaneous induration and erythema. The lesion that was initially diagnosed as a dental cervical cellulitis by his dental practitioner. The patient was known since 2019 to suffer from a esophageal adenocarcinoma whose first treatment was surgery. The patient was currently under immunotherapy for a local recurrence. We firstly assessed the uncommon cervical cellulitis by carrying out an injected head and neck computed tomography (CT) scan which showed an unspecific skin, dermal and muscular infiltration of the left cervical region. The 18-FDG PET/CT demonstrated a suspicious fixation of the neck that was followed by a skin biopsy. The histological and immunohistochemical examination showed the metastatic adenocarcinomatous origin of the cervical skin lesion. The patient was upstaged to a stage IV of his esophageal cancer and started palliative chemotherapy.
Special attention must be paid in case of diffuse cervical skin infiltrations, even in the presence of a dental infection, in patients with cancer, in order to perform the correct diagnosis.
The solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome (SMMCI) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic syndrome characterized by the presence of a single central incisor positioned along the midline in both primary and permanent dentition. It is often associated with the holoprosencephaly spectrum, a group of brain and facial malformations. The etiopathogenesis of SMMCI is believed to involve embryonic developmental defects occurring between the 35th and 38th day of gestation, primarily affecting midline facial structures. Several genetic factors, including mutations in the Sonic Hedgehog gene on chromosome 7 and other genetic variants, have been implicated in SMMCI development. Diagnosis is typically made through clinical examination, prenatal ultrasound, and postnatal dental evaluation. Management of SMMCI requires a multidisciplinary approach involving pediatricians, otolaryngologists, neuro-pediatricians, and genetic counselors. Dental interventions may include extraction and space maintenance, orthodontic treatment, prosthodontic options, or esthetic considerations. Further research is needed to understand better the underlying mechanisms and genetic factors associated with SMCI, which will contribute to improved diagnosis and management of this syndrome.
Gunshots with non-powder weapons are relatively common in children, and most of them occur unintentionally. This paper describes the second known case of an adult male in whom a shot from an airgun resulted in the presence of a projectile within the maxillary sinus. A 47-year-old man was shot inadvertently about 10 years earlier and was asymptomatic at the time of reporting. The presence of a foreign body detected on a routine orthopantomogram was confirmed by a medical interview and a three-dimensional radiological examination. The pellet located in the right maxillary sinus was removed from intraoral access through the anterior wall of the sinus. The course of the surgical procedure was complicated by the projectile dislocation in relation to the position determined by radiological examinations. Postoperative care and a 4-year follow-up period were uneventful. The maxillary sinus may be considered a favorable location for a persistent projectile, which may reside in the maxillofacial region asymptomatically for many years. The foreign body may move loosely in the maxillary sinus, which should be taken into account when planning an operation.
Objective: Taurodontism is a developmental disorder with enlargement of the body of the tooth and lack of cervical constriction, which results in a large pulp chamber and small roots with the apical displacement of furcation. Taurodontism exists in deciduous, and definitive unilateral, and bilateral teeth. We found that taurodontism was also described in 67 syndromes. We proposed a review of the open access literature on taurodontism, a new clinical classification of taurodontic teeth with illustrations from free open access literature, and from our case serie of 15 patients.
Material and methods: We performed a systematic search for articles with free full text about taurodontism. The search was performed by one observer in PubMed database. We found 168 articles, and after application of inclusion/exclusion criteria we finally selected 136 articles for the review.
Results: we provided 34 figures of taurodontic teeth related to: 1) Unilateral mandibular first premolar, 2) Unilateral mandibular second premolar, 3) Bilateral mandibular first and second premolar, 4) Bilateral upper maxillary first premolars, 5) Bilateral mandibular second molars, 6) Bilateral upper maxillary second premolar and left first molar, 7) Bilateral upper maxillary third molars, 8) Bilateral upper maxillary first and second molars, 9) Bilateral upper maxillary first, second, and third molars, 10) Bilateral upper maxillary molars (third molars, second, and first left upper molars), and mandibular molars (first right, and left mandibular molars, right third molar), 11) Bilateral upper maxillary molars (first, second, third right, and left upper molars), and mandibular molars, 12) Unilateral first mandibular premolar with cleft, 13) Bilateral molars of the mandible and the upper maxilla (adolescent patient who received chemotherapy at the age of 3-years-old to treat retinoblastoma), 14) Unilateral first maxillary molar (Treacher-Collins syndrome).
Conclusions: We proposed a new clinical classification of taurodontic teeth based on hypo-, meso-, and hypertaurodontism, and on different types of deciduous, and definitive teeth (42 boxes). We were first to provide free reference images for: 1) upper maxillary second premolar hypertaurodontism, 2) mandibular second premolar mesotaurodontism, 3) upper maxillary third molar meso-and hypertaurodontism, 4) mandibular first molar hypotaurodontism, 5) mandibular third molar mesotaurodontism. We were also first to freely illustrate taurodontism related with chemotherapy, cleft palate patients, and Treacher-Collins syndrome.
Le syndrome de Langenbeck ou hyperplasie des processus coronoïdes mandibulaires est une maladie rare caractérisée par une augmentation de volume des processus coronoïdes. Cette hyperplasie entraîne un conflit osseux limitant l’ouverture buccale. Ce syndrome doit être connu des cliniciens car il entre dans le diagnostic différentiel des limitations d’ouverture buccale. Nous présentons un cas traité avec succès dans notre service. Une prise en charge efficace comporte un versant chirurgical et kinésithérapeutique, qui sont discutés dans notre publication.
Objective: Sphenopalatine ganglion block remains a noninvasive therapeutic option to treat diverse facial pain syndromes. The aim of this case report was to verify the effectiveness and safety of three-dimensional (3D) injection guide for sphenopalatine ganglion block in a tongue cancer patient.
Case report: A 53-year-old man presented with a large squamous cell carcinoma of the right base of the tongue, classified cT4N2M0 and exhibiting excruciating facial pain. A botulinum toxin injection was performed following Dr. Yoshida’s method, using a 3D injection guide.
Conclusions: Sphenopalatine ganglion block with 3D injection guide can be an effective treatment against cancer pain. In this case report a complete withdrawal of painkillers was obtained less than 24 hours after botulinum toxin injection.
Objective: to present and to illustrate a new methodology for daily practice in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) interpretation and reporting in cleft lip palate (CLP) non syndromic paediatric patients. The proposed protocol is based on clinical experience and on systematic search of the literature.
Material and methods: We performed two types of systematic search of articles: 1) articles related to the use of CBCT in CLP patients, and 2) articles related to the reporting and interpretation of the CBCT images by radiologists. We used two databases PubMed and Google scholar.
Results: For indications of CBCT in CLP patients we found in PubMed 378 articles and 48 articles were selected for the review; in Google scholar we found 463 articles, and 9 articles were selected for the review. 2) For reporting in CBCT we found 956 articles in PubMed, and 9 articles were selected for the review.
Conclusions: We presented the 6-steps system for interpretation and reporting information from CBCT of CLP paediatric patients: 1) Step 1 (axial view): presence or absence of bone bridge remnants of alveolar bone graft; Step 2 (3D dental tissue reconstruction): description of dental arch tooth, search for agenesis and supernumerary teeth, description of variation in the position of the tooth explaining the type of existing translation and rotation; Step 3 (coronal view): cleft palate pathway and its extension; anomaly in maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses if existing; Step 4 (sagittal and coronal view): checking of the opening (calcification sites) of the sphenooccipital synchondrosis, and checking of anomalies of the occipital bone; Step 5 (3D bone tissue reconstruction): C1-C2 vertebra anomalies; Step 6 (3D soft tissue reconstruction): external ear anomalies. We illustrated our methodology with 46 figures from 5 CBCT of CLP patients.
Objective: To present a pictorial review on central mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
Case report: Central mucoepidermoid carcinoma (CMEC), also known as intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinoma (IMEC), is an extremely rare disease (less than 2-4% of all MEC). However, CMEC is the most frequent malignant salivary gland tumour found in intraosseous locations. Due to this unusual location, diagnosis of CMEC can be challenging. Therefore, CMEC is often mistaken for other intraosseous or odontogenic pathologies. Radiological assessment should include panoramic X-Ray, CBCT and thoracic CT, which should be performed after diagnosis. The recommended treatment includes radical resection surgery, followed by radiotherapy if indicated. A long-term follow-up is recommended for up to 10 years.
Conclusion: The authors experienced the challenging diagnosis of CMEC through the case of a patient who presented with a slowly growing palatal mass.
Objective: Paracondylar (PCP) and epitransverse processes (ETP) represent rare types of articulations that can occur between the occipital bone and the transverse process of atlas vertebra.
Material and methods: Five systematic search strings were conducted on PubMed database on 14.01.2022. The search was conducted by one observer to identify studies on PCP, and on ETP in living patients. Open and close access articles were selected as this topic is infrequently described in the main medical literature.
Results: We provided with a pictorial review of 1) Paracondylar tubercle, 2) Unilateral PCP with cylindrical shape, 3) Unilateral PCP with pyramidal shape, 4) Unilateral PCP with lateral joint with transverse process, 5) Unilateral PCP with superior joint and partial fusion with transverse process, 6) Unilateral ETP with neo-condyle and joint with occipital condyle, 7) Unilateral ETP with joint with occipital bone, 8) Unilateral ETP with a bony bridge with lateral mass (ponticulus lateralis), and 9) Bilateral variation: paracondylar mass and ETP.
Conclusions: Six figures were found in the selected literature and belong only to articles published in closed access. We provided with additional 41 open access freely available figures. We were first to present CBCT reference figures of: 1) Unilateral paracondylar tubercle, 2) Fusion of PCP with the transverse process of C1, 3) Joint between ETP and the lateral side of occipital condyle, and 4) Presence of bony bridge (ponticulus lateralis) between ETP and the lateral mass of C1. We were also first to describe a bilateral mixt variation with paracondylar mass on one side and ETP on the other side of C1. An open and accessible knowledge support (such as Nemesis journal) is needed to easily find clinical reference CBCT figures of craniocervicofacial bone variations.
Objective: First cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patient exposed to bisphosphonates were presented in 2003. Bisphosphonates related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) was further extended to medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) to include antiresorptive and anti-angiogenic drugs. Some directives were described for the treatment of this disease in function of its gravity. Treatments of high stage of MRONJ are subject to discussion because of their morbidity. Complete healing is difficult to reach and often needs combination of invasive and non-invasive treatment.
Case report: We report and illustrate a clinical case of new bone formation after MRONJ on pamidronate and zoledronate treatment for multiple myeloma. The treatment of choice was sequestrectomy and conservative treatment.
Discussion: The consensus to reach a complete healing after MRONJ is not already known. More studies are needed.
Objectif: Déterminer quels étaient les sujets et le contenu des publications réalisées par des chirurgiens oro-et maxillo-faciaux pratiquant quotidiennement dans les pays à moindre ressources d’Afrique sub-saharienne (ASS).
Matériel et méthodes: Nous avons utilisé deux bases de données, PubMed et African online journals, pour cette revue de littérature. Nous avons limité notre recherche aux années 2000-2022. Nous avons choisi les articles avec le résumé et uniquement en langue anglaise ou française. Pour chaque article nous avons cherché le pays d’origine, la langue de l’article, l’accessibilité des articles ; le nom du journal, le nombre et le type d’illustrations. Pour chaque article en accès libre, nous avons cherché le mode de payement de la publication et la cession les droits d’auteur. Nous avons trouvé 1761 articles et retenu finalement 47 articles.
Résultats: Les publications issues des pays ASS sont très rares parmi toutes les publications du continent africain (47/1761= 2,6%). Tous les articles retenus étaient publiés dans 33 journaux différents. 46,8% des articles ont été écrits par les auteurs de Tanzanie et de Soudan. Les articles en accès libre représentent la majorité des articles publiés (59%). Les articles en accès fermé sont liés au Noma et aux articles en langue française. Nous avons identifié uniquement deux journaux scientifiques African Health Sciences et South Sudan Medical Journal, qui étaient gratuits pour les lecteurs et les auteurs. La langue anglaise était prédominante (85%). 53 images étaient accessibles gratuitement pour illustrer l’ensemble des sujets de la chirurgie orale et maxillo-faciale dans les pays ASS. Nous avons également présenté les conclusions des articles en les classant par sujets : 1) Tumeurs (13 articles), 2) Traumatismes/fractures maxillo-faciales (11 articles), 3) Fentes (4 articles), 4) Pathologies infectieuses (5 articles), 5) Pratiques culturelles (4 articles), 6) Noma (2 articles), 7) Syndromes (5 articles), et les sujets divers (3 articles).
Conclusions: Nous avons présenté le système de publications scientifiques actuelles, la place des publications scientifiques et les aspects particuliers des publications sur la chirurgie maxillofaciale dans les pays ASS, nous avons proposé de possibles directions de publication pour les auteurs chirurgiens maxillo-faciaux des pays ASS, ainsi que la place potentielle de la revue Nemesis dans ce contexte africain.
Objective: The aims of this systematic review of the literature were to investigate the uses of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in pediatric dentistry and, if possible, identify the indications.
Material and methods: A literature search was conducted using the PubMed and Scopus electronic databases and the keywords "CBCT and pediatric dentistry". This search provided us with 1518 references. The selected publications were all clinical articles written in French or English and referring to a pediatric population. After screening, 461 eligible full text articles remained.
Results: In total, there were 169 references that met the inclusion criteria. Different topics, mainly relating to orthodontics, anatomy, and cleft lips and palate, were discussed. There was large variability in the information concerning the technical parameters. The radiographic protocols that we analyzed showed a large heterogeneity.
Conclusions: The level of evidence provided by our work is limited because only two randomized double-blind controlled studies are included. Two indications can be distinguished: for orthodontics and for the rehabilitation of cleft lips and palate. There are a multitude of radiographic protocols. More research is needed to identify other potential clinical indications as well as to determine a standard CBCT protocol for children and adolescents.
Objective: This article focuses on the penetrating trauma of the facial mass caused by the knife with retention of the blade fractured in the facial skeleton.
Case report: We describe preoperative, intra-operative and post-operative outcomes of the knife stabbing in the face, and of the surgical removal of the broken 8cm long blade using two dimensional, and tridimensional computed tomography, and clinical iconography
Conclusions: We provide the readership with a broader perspective on iatrogenic facial trauma caused by blades with examples from history of medicine, with biomechanical focus, as well as a review of literature on the management, and on the surgical treatment outcomes of such infrequent emergency in maxillofacial surgery.
Objective: Firstly, this review aims to analyse the recent literature about three-dimensional (3D) diagnostic imaging in complex and compound odontomas and compare it to two-dimensional (2D) imaging. Panoramic radiographs help to evaluate the vertical position of odontomas, and occlusal radiographs are used to evaluate the proximity to adjacent teeth. However, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) can offer volumetric images, and therefore, a more accurate three-dimensional analysis. Secondly, this research aims to construct an open classification matrix for complex and compound odontomas for dentomaxillofacial CBCT radiology protocols based on a systematic literature review.
Material and methods: Two systematic literature searches were conducted in PubMed (Medline), on 2 February 2022 concerning classification systems, and on 5 February 2022 concerning CBCT images.
Results: In total, these searches revealed 391 papers by reviewing the databases mentioned above. Six articles were selected for inclusion on classification of odontomas and 13 articles were found on CBCT imaging. Consequently, the construction of an open classification matrix for compound and complex odontomas for dentomaxillofacial CBCT radiology protocols was performed using these 19 articles.
Conclusions: CBCT offers a more precise position and accurate diagnosis of complex and compound odontomas compared to 2D imaging. Consequently, it enhances the detailed view of the site (multiple or unique), location (intraosseous, partially or completely extragnathic), size, extension (bony expansion, thinning or perforation cortical bone), density and type (denticulo type, particle type, denticulo-particle type, denticulo-amorphous type, amorphous tissue), relationship (with the crown or root of the definitive tooth), adjacent teeth resorption (deciduous or definitive), adjacent teeth (retention or impaction), and distance with adjacent structures (inferior alveolar nerve, sinus maxillaris), as well as adequate surgical planning. Moreover, this research presents an open classification matrix for the most complete description of compound and complex odontomas when analysing CBCT imaging.
Objective: To describe dentoalveolar findings in one pediatric patient with a very rare Carpenter syndrome or acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II, and using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).
Case report: We found a syndromic oligodontia, upper canine transmigration, and an exceptional agenesis of four lateral incisors. We also described the fourth case in the literature of a single solitary lower incisor on the midline, and the first case ever illustrated on CBCT.
Conclusions: We proposed and illustrated the use of the system of progressive numbering of teeth on CBCT axial views to better understand complex dental clinical situations such as syndromic oligodontia.
Objective: to build a descriptive classification of premolar and molar supernumerary teeth (ST) when preparing the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) report. The aim is also to share wide range of CBCT images in the open access publishing model. Material and methods: For our review we systematically searched for articles from PubMed with 1) free full texts on ST in molar and premolar area and using CBCT, and 2) articles providing with information on complications related with the presence of ST in molar and premolar area. We also added to our review studies providing with classic ST classifications in premolar and molar area. Results: We found 29 cases of ST, and we freely illustrated them with 84 figures. We separated our pictorial review in: 1) unilateral ST in the mandible, 2) unilateral ST in the maxilla, 3) unilateral undersized ST, 4) bilateral ST, 5) ST with additional features, and 6) cases with major hyperdontia. Conclusions: we build up the classification matrix for premolar and molar ST with 11 descriptors and 50 boxes. The descriptors were: 1) location if the ST crown in axial view, 2) vertical location of the cusp tip in relation with closest erupted tooth in coronal view, 3) shape, 4) distribution, 5) Position (in relation to normal tooth eruption) in sagittal view, 6) State of eruption of the ST in the sagittal view, 7) Follicle size measurement in sagittal view, 8) External root resorption of adjacent teeth by ST and its location in relation to the long axis of the involved tooth, 9) Internal resorption of ST, 10) Adjacent tooth complication, and 11) Damage to surrounding structures if ST removal. The open access figures from the literature illustrated 11 boxes. With our pictorial review we were able to illustrate 45 out of 50 boxes, and freely provide the readership with the most complete description of ST in premolar and molar area on CBCT than in previously published studies.
Objective: Pediatric facial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are rare but can cause potentially fatal hemorrhages during dental procedures and oral surgery. In this article we present a systematic review of the medical open access literature on pediatric facial AVM.
Case report: We illustrate our purpose with clinical dental use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in pediatric embolized facial AVM to define the presence and the position of the right upper impacted canine.
Conclusions: We advocate the use of CBCT as additional imaging tool in the follow-up of pediatric dentomaxillofacial AVM, and for depiction of dentoalveolar structures that are inaccessible by conventional dental radiography.
Objective: Cervico-facial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are complex and rare vascular lesions, and present in 0.1% of the population. Of traumatic or congenital origin, they are characterized by variable growth, and their complications can be disfiguring and potentially fatal. The treatment of choice is embolization followed by surgery if necessary. The main complications are recurrence and postoperative bleeding.
Case report: We report the rare case of a 59-year-old female patient who underwent embolization of a right upper labial and jugal AVM, followed by complete necrosis of the right hemi-palatal mucosa associated with dental mobility and pain. Follow-up at 6 months showed complete reepithelialisation of the palate.
Conclusions: Soft tissue necrosis after AVM embolization is a rare event and is more commonly described after embolization for epistaxis. The evolution is generally favourable within a few weeks.
Stafne bone cavity (SBC) is a rare entity to find on panoramic radiography and on cone beam computed tomography. We reviewed in a systematic way the open-access literature from PubMed and DOAJ. We also proposed a new methodology consisting of collaboration with private practitioners, application of participative science approach, and open science practices, and using social media tool to obtain and describe seven different cases of SBC. We finally propose a new matrix table for classification of anatomical types of SBC already described and those yet to be described in open-access literature.
Objective: To perform a ‘virtual autopsy’ on the Egyptian mummy and to study, understand, and interpret three-dimensional (3D) high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scan images of Osirmose’s mummy with a multidisciplinary team composed of radiologists, archaeologists, and oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
Material and methods: We studied the Osirmose’s mummy, the doorkeeper of the Temple of Re, who lived during the XXVth dynasty. His mummy belongs to the Royal Museum of Art and History (Inv. E.5889). We performed a high resolution CT scanning of Osirmose’s mummy. We also 3D printed the upper maxilla of the mummy and a tooth found in the oesophagus with a clinically validated low-cost 3D printer.
Results: We confirmed the male sex of the mummy. We found the heart, aorta, and kidneys inside the mummy’s body. Brain excerebration was performed through the right ethmoid bone pathway. A wood stick embedded in the dura mater tissue was found inside the skull. The orbicularis oculi muscle, internal canthus, optical nerves, and calcified eye were still present. Artificial eyes were added above the stuffing of eye globes. The skull and face were embalmed with multiple layers of inner bandages in a sophisticated manner. The wear of maxillary teeth was asymmetrical and more pronounced on the maxilla. We discovered three anomalies of the upper maxilla: 1) a rectangular hole on the palatine side of tooth n°26 (the palatine root of tooth n°26 was missing), 2) an indentation at a right angle palatine to tooth n°27, and 3) a semilunar shape of edges around the osteolytic lesion distal and palatine to tooth n°28.
Conclusions: The present study provides the first evidence of a tooth removal site, and of oral surgery procedures previously conducted in a 2700-year-old Egyptian embalmed mummy. We found traces of dental root removal, and the opening of a tooth-related osteolytic lesion before the person’s death. The multidisciplinary team, the use of a high resolution 3D CT scan and a 3D-printed model of the upper maxilla helped in this discovery.
Accidental displacements of the wisdom teeth of the upper jaw to various anatomical regions are rare. We systematically searched the literature on this issue using PubMed and DOAJ. There is no freely available illustration for the accidental displacement pathways of the upper wisdom teeth imaged by CT scan or by CBCT apart from displacement towards the infra-temporal, and the pterygopalatine fossa. We describe and illustrate by CBCT a unique case in the medical literature of accidental displacement of the wisdom tooth germ of the upper jaw into the anterior jugal space. The potential reasons, consequences and ways to prevent this rare complication of wisdom tooth extraction are also explained.