Des didacticiens de la littérature au défi des pratiques effectives
Place et rôle des constats négatifs
pratiques effectives, objectivation et interprétation de résultatsAbstract
This article reviews several chapters of three recent collective books on the didactics of literature that examine actual teaching practices: Ronveaux and Schneuwly (2018), Louichon (2020) and Ahr and de Peretti (2023). The researchers make methodologically rigorous observations of what is not taught, of rarities (of certain didactic acts) or of tensions and impediments. The meta-analysis questions the role of these negative observations, in the logical sense and without normative connotations, in accounting for the complexity of ordinary practices. The ways of objectifying different "negative regularities" (Louichon, 2020, p. 317) from cases as well as the main modalities of their interpretation by the researchers will be studied.
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