La dieta estrema. Autobiografia e (fast) food


  • Enrico Schirò Indipendent Scholar

Mots-clés :

Morgan Spurlock, Super Size Me, Diet, Fast food, Self-narration


In February 2003, Morgan Spurlock, a young and still unknown filmmaker at the time, decided to make a crucial experiment whereby he would eat only McDonald’s food for thirty consecutive days, documenting the symptoms and effects of this extreme diet in film. The result is Supersize Me, an award-winning documentary about the junk-food industry, which was made famous by the paradoxically biographical as well as bioethical personal involvement of the director. Although this work does not belong to the autobiographical genre, it creates a peculiar form of self-narration set between family memories and confessions about food, which allows for an autobiographical reading of the text. The aim of this contribution is to highlight the autobiographical aspects of Spurlock’s extreme diet, which takes the interweaving of self-narration and nutrition as its starting point.

Biographie de l'auteur

Enrico Schirò, Indipendent Scholar

Enrico Schirò, dottore di ricerca in Philosophy, Science, Cognition, and Semiotics (PSCS) presso l’Università di Bologna, vive a Roma. Si occupa di filosofia contemporanea, e più di recente dell’opera di Jean Baudrillard, riletta alla luce dello Speculative Realism. Insieme a Eleonora de Conciliis e Daniela Angelucci ha curato il XIII numero de Lo Sguardo, Reinventare il Reale. Jean Baudrillard (2007-2017). Ha pubblicato la voce “Filosofia” per il volume collettaneo Baudrillard Ovunque, a cura di Vanni Codeluppi e Mariangela Polesana (2017). Ha pubblicato alcuni saggi su riviste accademiche tra le quali Politica & Società (2009), Carte di Cinema (2011), Genesis (2011), Dwf (2012), Elephant & Castle (2014). Per Kaiak ha curato e introdotto la traduzione di Ray Brassier, Catastrofe solare. Lyotard, Freud e la pulsione di morte, e pubblicato un contributo nel volume Ecologia. Teoria, natura, politica, a cura di Igor Pelgreffi (2018), dal titolo Jean Baudrillard e l’écologie maléfique.


