Fortuna labilis ed entropia nel Memoriale delle cose occorse a me Franco Sivori del 1590 – Fortuna labilis and entropy in the Memoriale delle cose occorse a me Franco Sivori of 1590


Mots-clés :

Renaissance studies, biographical memoir, entropia, fortuna labilis


This article analyses the theme of entropy and fleeting fortune in a biographical memoir written by Franco Sivori during the last decades of the XVIth century. Son of rich merchants from Genoa, Sivori becomes the secretary of the prince of Walachia Petru Cercel, who reigned during 1583 and 1585m, and he accompanies the prince for eight years, from Venice to Constantinople, then to Wallachia, and after he lost the throne, to Transylvania and in the Holy Roman Empire. Written in first person, with a great interest for unexpected events that changes the destiny of the prince and of the narrator, this biographical memoir, published for the first time in 1944, presents a voyage of the self: as a result of his political career in some of the most important courts of Eastern Europe, the young merchant becomes a skillful politician. The writing of the memoir is motivated by Sivori’s state of melancholy after receiving the news that Prince Petru had been killed by the Ottomans, and he considers the act of writing as a way to obtain self awareness and peace of mind.

Biographie de l'auteur

Alexandra Vranceanu Pagliardini, Université de Bucarest, Faculté de Lettres, Département d’Etudes littéraires

Associate professor in comparative literature (University of Bucharest), Alexandra Vranceanu taught at the University of Saint-Etienne and University of Padova. Phd in Philology (University of Bucharest, 2000), Habilitation à diriger des recherches (University Paris XII 2012). Research fields: Renaissance studies, exile literature, ekphrasis in modern literature. Books: Les aventures de l’ekphrasis dans la fiction contemporaine (2011), Meridiani della migrazione nella letteratura romena da Ureche a Cioran (2012); she edited Text(e)/Image. Interferences (2009), Migrazione e patologie dell’humanitas nella letteratura europea contemporanea (2012), Terra aliena. L’esilio degli intelletuali europei (2013), Rifondare la letteratura nazionale per un pubblico europeo. Da un’dea di G. Mazzini (2015).


