Local versus global & individual versus whole competition between & within living systems ARMSADA emergence and breaking
agoantagonism, Associations for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and DisAdvantages (ARMSADA), competition, ecoexotope, endophysiotope, exaptation, food chain, metamorphosisAbstract
Whatever its level of organization, anyalive system,to survive ('eating and not being eaten') and live on, has 'to be lucky' for 'to be at the right place at the right time'. Formed by embedments and juxtapositions of pre-existing systems in anewendophysiotope(ENDO),itisapartofafoodchain:iteatsandiseaten.Soonorlateitisimpossiblenottobeeaten.Man is not an exception. The modularity of alive systems allows both a partial location and a global recycling of matter andenergy.Thepleiotropyofthestructuresandfunctions,allowing 'to make of a stone several knocks', is a mechanism of exaptation of a new Whole.The agoantagonistic relations balance, within any ecoexotope (EXO), ends soon or late with the disappearance of predators and a reduction of biodiversity.The merging into Associations for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and DisAdvantages (ARMSADA) allows the emergence of a new biodiversity.
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