Systemic Behavior via Social Responsibility as a Way to Peace and Development


  • Matjaž Mulej Institute for development of social responsibility (IRDO), University of Maribor, Slovenia, Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia, International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS)



social responsibility, world peace, international cooperation


Systemic behavior is here to overcome the ancient human one-sided and short-term behavior by holistic approach based on interdependence of cooperating professionals, who are mutually different. The new way toward this end was passed only two years after the surfacing of the current global socio-economic crisis that results from neoliberal monopolies. Social responsibility is everyone's (new) responsibility for his/her influence on society on the basis of practicing interdependence as a precondition for requisite holism. Consequences of millennia of the human practice of one-sidedness and short-term criteria of behavior make social responsibility now unavoidable: the 3rd World War is here/pending rather than peace and development. Both interdependence and (requisite) holism are exposed by both systems theory and ISO 26000 on social responsibility. The –unfortunate and dangerous – situation in society is well clarified by the fact that ISO 26000 was passed only as an advisory rather than obligatory international standard; this means that peace is considered less important than companies’ profit, while peace is a crucial precondition for profit/benefit resulting from development and well-being.




How to Cite

Mulej, M. (2020). Systemic Behavior via Social Responsibility as a Way to Peace and Development. Acta Europeana Systemica, 8(1), 87–92.