NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research <p>NEXUS est une revue en ligne à comité de lecture en libre accès destinée aux chercheurs et aux professionnels qui inscrivent leurs travaux dans le cadre des didactiques des disciplines scolaires.</p> en-US (Julie Van de Vyver) (OJS team) Thu, 19 Dec 2024 15:59:34 +0000 OJS 60 Le mot de la rédaction Jean-Louis Dufays, Julie Van de Vyver, Caroline Scheepers, Sabeh Boularès Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The evolution of teaching and training practices in French didactics: what search results? <p>This article is based on the call for papers of the Tunisian international symposium «The evolution of teaching and training practices in French didactics: which research results?» identifies work conducted in French didactics on the analysis of teaching practices and initial and continuing training. This analysis is associated either with the intention of «professionalization», the production of knowledge on practices and their evolution by the change taken as the engine of progress of «professional action» and of circumvention of obstacles. Work has questioned the tensions and filiations between the concepts and models provided by research and the realities of class and/or training space in order to understand practices and promote their development. We examine three dimensions related to the evolution of teaching and training practices: the evolution of didactic concepts and models during their migration from one disciplinary field or from one space to another, then, the analysis of professional gestures and teaching postures taken as tools for the evolution and transformation of teacher action, finally, traces of this evolution through the verbalization of practices by teachers so that they can develop their critical gaze and act as refl</p> Amel FTITA, Jean-Louis Dufays Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 From observations to teaching action: Five ways of examining and developing reading teaching practices <p>The results of the ‘Gary’ research (Dufays, Brunel, Capt &amp; Fontanieu, 2020; Brunel, Dufays, Emery-Bruneau &amp; Florey, 2024) shed new light on the current state of the skills of 1,787 pupils and the practices of their 69 teachers, as well as on the relationships between these two groups at three levels of schooling (9, 12 and 15 years) in four French-speaking countries or regions (Belgium, France, Quebec and Switzerland). Although the research was primarily intended to be descriptive and comprehensive, it also enabled researchers to take an evaluative and qualitative look at the impact of certain trend choices made by teachers that were highlighted. In this instance, we will present five changes that we feel should be proposed to teachers and their trainers in relation to the five ‘focal points’ we used to analyse their practices. These developments concern reading operations and methods, cross-curricular patterns or forms of school work, fundamental didactic gestures, genres of school activity and aspects of the text being taught.</p> Jean-Louis Dufays, Magali Brunel Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Educational policies and national education reforms in Algeria: What impact on French language teaching practices? <p>Since 1962, Algeria has carried out a number of educational reforms. These have all had varying degrees of impact on the teaching and learning of foreign or second languages, particularly French. What is the actual impact of these various reforms on the curricula, textbooks and practices of French language teachers? This study shows that, while the reforms have certainly had a positive effect on the teaching and learning of French, which is now broadly based on the principles of the new approaches to teaching foreign and second languages, it has to be acknowledged that a number of highly relevant recommendations from a didactic point of view remain at the stage of intentions without any significant impact on textbooks and classroom practices.</p> M'hand Ammouden Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pratiquer le français par le jeu théâtral : explorer de nouveaux possibles <p>Cette contribution cherche à mesurer l’apport du jeu théâtral dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du français en présentant un dispositif didactique qui a été expérimenté avec deux échantillons d’élèves du secondaire en Tunisie.<br />L’objectif est d’enseigner le français en privilégiant « une attitude active et créative » (Dulibine et Grosjean, 2004) et la mise en place d’un contexte ludique qui stimule à la fois l’apprentissage du savoir dispensé et la vie de la classe. Essentielle dans l’initiation aux langues étrangères, la pratique du jeu mobilise les acteurs de la classe dans la pratique d’un français « contextualisé » (Djedidi, 2002) tout en permettant aux élèves de développer leurs compétences.<br />Il s’agit donc de concevoir le jeu théâtral comme un « outil d’apprentissage » (Ryngaert, 2008) propice à une démarche pédagogique personnalisée. Les résultats sont confrontés à ceux d’autres recherches similaires sur les effets didactiques du genre théâtral ludique menées en contexte tunisien.</p> Elhem Akacha Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Perceptions et enjeux de l’analyse réflexive des pratiques éducatives : étude exploratoire auprès d’éducatrices de la petite l’enfance en Tunisie <p>In the field of education in general and language didactics, including French didactics, in particular, reflective analysis of teaching and training practices plays a crucial role in the professional development of trainers, teachers and early childhood educators. This exploratory study examines the perceptions of 30 Tunisian female educators with regard to ARPE, filling a gap in the contextualised literature. Through a questionnaire survey comprising three open-ended questions, we explored the way in which these professionals apprehend and integrate ECTA into their daily practice. Thematic analysis of the responses reveals a heterogeneous vision of ARPE. Some participants see it as a theoretical exercise, while others consider it essential to improving their practices. The results highlight a number of challenges, in particular the limitations of initial and continuing training, and the lack of practical integration of ARPE. In light of these findings, the study recommends that training for educators be stepped up, with a focus on interactive approaches and the use of practical teaching resources. It highlights the importance of taking into account the professional norms, psychological characteristics and behavioural skills of educators in order to optimise the implementation of ECCE. This research paves the way for further exploration, including interviews, to refine our understanding of perceptions and practices related to ECCE in the Tunisian early childhood education context.</p> Elassaad Elharbaoui Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Construire des référents pour aider les élèves des classes maternelles et de début de primaire à identifier les objectifs et les démarches d’apprentissage <p>L’accompagnement des élèves dans le processus de secondarisation des apprentissages apparait comme une condition essentielle à l’apprentissage de tous les élèves et plus particulièrement des élèves les plus fragiles et distants de la culture scolaire (Bautier et Goigoux, 2004). Les temps de structuration entendus comme démarche d’institutionnalisation progressive des apprentissages matérialisés dans des référents (traces de structuration) sont des moments privilégiés afin de favoriser la secondarisation (Brousseau, 2010). Dans le cadre de cette recherche collaborative menée en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, deux équipes éducatives de la classe d’accueil (2,5/3 ans) à la deuxième année primaire (7/8 ans) ainsi que des enseignantes-chercheuses et des étudiant·e·s en formation initiale se sont mutuellement formé·e·s, ont expérimenté et analysé les moments de structuration des apprentissages et les référents qui en résultent en vue de favoriser l’apprentissage de tous les élèves. Le présent article investigue les principaux résultats de cette recherche à savoir d’une part, une conceptualisation des types de référents rencontrés et à concevoir avec les élèves dans les classes ; d’autre part, un ensemble de gestes professionnels identifiés comme facilitateurs de l’institutionnalisation progressive des apprentissages de tous les élèves.</p> Anne CAMPO, Virginie Dupont, Charlène Leroy Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Les dispositifs de soutien à la langue française écrite dans le département des sciences logopédiques de la Haute École Provinciale de Hainaut-Condorcet : quelle efficacité ? Le point de vue des étudiants <p>Dans l’enseignement supérieur en Belgique francophone, nombreux sont les enseignants et les chercheurs à se poser la question de l’efficacité des dispositifs pédagogiques d’aide à la réussite. Mais la plupart des travaux de recherche sur cette thématique ont été effectués en milieu universitaire. Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude exploratoire menée dans le département des sciences logopédiques de la Haute École Provinciale de Hainaut – Condorcet. Cette recherche avait pour objectif d’analyser l’efficacité des aides mises en place pour soutenir l’enseignement de la langue française écrite au cours de la première année de bachelier et ce, par le biais de questionnaires distribués aux étudiants. À l’issue de cette enquête, il apparaît que les étudiants interrogés n’ont pas participé au tutorat ni aux séances de remédiation. Les diverses stratégies de soutien pratiquées au sein des activités d’apprentissage dédiées à l’enseignement de la langue écrite sont jugées efficaces dans leur ensemble, mais ces quelques observations doivent être nuancées, au vu du faible échantillon et du profil des étudiants volontaires ayant participé à notre enquête.</p> Laurence Demanet Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 To drill or not to drill? Towards a holistic approach in teaching English as a foreign language <p>The history of teaching English can be seen as a pendular swing between extremes. Each time a new approach was introduced, it usually contrasted with the previous one. Essentially, there have been two main approaches in English language teaching: one focusing on the rules and structure of the language (analysis) and the other focusing on using the language in real-life situations (use). Throughout the centuries, we have seen this back-and-forth movement. This paper aims to demonstrate that these opposing views can be merged into a more holistic approach to language teaching.<br />As a case in point, this article explores Audiolingualism and the practice of drilling. In the past, drilling was a central component of Audiolingual methods, often involving repetitive exercises without context. However, recent research indicates that when drills are meaningful and connected to real-life situations, they can serve as the foundation for higher-level thinking skills. The paper discusses different types of drilling and argues that if drill activities are engaging and inventive, they can play a vital role in the modern English language classroom, aligning with current teaching practices.<br />In conclusion, the paper suggests that there is no single best method for teaching foreign languages. Instead, it proposes that classroom activities should be chosen based on their effectiveness in promoting learning.</p> Eric Nicaise Copyright (c) 2024 NEXUS : Connecting teaching practice and research Thu, 19 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000