No 8 (2022): Août 2022
- Accountability at borders: between restrictive European border governance and fragmented national landscapes for human rights protection. Gabriel Almeida
- Land pushbacks at the Moroccan-Spanish border: from illegal State practice to endorsement by the European Court of Human Rights. A turn of events “made in Spain”. Clara Bosch March
- The Legal Production of the Margin: Migrants Between Border and Territory. Bastien Charaudeau Santomauro
- Malaise aux frontières, frontières du malaise. Des droits limités et des pratiques discrétionnaires aux frontières des États membres de l’Union. L’exemple de la France. Claire Bories
- Between physical and legal borders: the fiction of non-entry and its impact on fundamental rights of migrants at the borders between EU law and the ECHR. Francesca Rondine
- Digital pushbacks at European borders: an ongoing threat to the rule of law in the Schengen Area. Romain Lanneau