No 8 (2022): Août 2022


  1. Accountability at borders: between restrictive European border governance and fragmented national landscapes for human rights protection. Gabriel Almeida
  2. Land pushbacks at the Moroccan-Spanish border: from illegal State practice to endorsement by the European Court of Human Rights. A turn of events “made in Spain”. Clara Bosch March
  3. The Legal Production of the Margin: Migrants Between Border and Territory. Bastien Charaudeau Santomauro
  4. Malaise aux frontières, frontières du malaise. Des droits limités et des pratiques discrétionnaires aux frontières des États membres de l’Union. L’exemple de la France. Claire Bories
  5. Between physical and legal borders: the fiction of non-entry and its impact on fundamental rights of migrants at the borders between EU law and the ECHR. Francesca Rondine
  6. Digital pushbacks at European borders: an ongoing threat to the rule of law in the Schengen Area. Romain Lanneau
Publiée: 01-08-2022

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